February 26, 2008

Backlinks: The Chains Part Two

This is going to be a quickie, I say that but you know how I am. After going over the linking thing in my last post, I did a little more digging. I just have to know. It's in my nature. I found a nifty tool called Who Links to Me? If you look on my sidebar you can see it just below my favorite blogs modular.

The tool gives you your page rank, the number of links to your site, your blogroll stats, Google, Yahoo, and MSN links. All in all, I'm doing much better than I thought. You can see my stats by clicking the link. If you want, you can also retrieve code from that page to put on your blog to get your stats. You can also just visit Who Links to Me?

Sometimes I can be too visual I guess, but seeing those numbers gave me a new perspective.

I actually found two tools. The Who Links to Me? was the first and fastest I tried. The other I have to register and research. Don't worry, I'll share it with you in a later post once I get to know it...
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  1. Another useful tool, Muse. You are an excellent resource for info for us newbie bloggers--thank you!

  2. Hi! It's like Christmas every time I come here, as there is always something for me to take away.

    Great to see you doing so well Mrs Claus and well done!

    Take Care,

  3. Thanks you two! These tools are pretty interesting. I know a lot of bloggers already have a handle on them, but since I'm still learning, I just have to mention them.

  4. Oh, yes. I know that site. Do I ever! ;-) You can also search Technorati for listings. And Google has a link alert, I believe. (Is it sad that I know this? Yeah, probably...)

  5. I signed on to Google alerts a while back. So far I'm getting a lot of hits for some rock band that shares my name.

    I played with Technorati a while back but have not hit it lately. I guess I should.

    So many things to do...


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