December 4, 2007

Today I Access

I live a very simple life. I have two beautiful children and a wonderful husband. We live in a little house in a beautiful community. As I see it, my life is perfect.

I've been thinking about a lot with the holidays upon us. Since I started writing again, I've been in discovery mode. A discovery of myself, my life, my family, and the world as a whole. I have come across a variety of wonderful people throughout this process. For this, I am thankful.

As I learn, I want to share. What started out as just inspirations, has become revelations and then some.

This morning I read a beautiful post: "Be like a pencil" by Mother of Shrek (Casdok) She writes about being a pencil and making your mark. It made me think about myself and my mark. Right now my mark is small but strong, I have my children, my husband, my existence, and my familial bond.

My inspiration is in my journey.


  1. Hi! We share something in common. I too have a simple life, 3 wonderful sons and a beautiful wife. As I see it, my life is perfect as well. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - regards Peter

  2. "Simplify, simplify," Thoreau said. Boy, was he right. The simpler my life, the better.

  3. Conda, you, and Thoreau, are so right! I don't know why we bog ourselves down with complications.


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