January 30, 2008

Thinking About Writing

It's still dark outside. The air is crisp. The sky is silky, velvet black. I stood on the deck and drank in the moment. Looking at the half moon, and the stars wrapped around it, I felt good.

I wrote a poem several years back, Night Storm. The poem, while not my first, is my favorite. It begins like this:
Up above, the reticent moon rests in the sky,
Stars accessorize it like diamonds do a face.
Together they're suspended in a black velvet case...
(I know, accessorize, what was I thinking?) This morning I thought about it and my writing. Right now, I'm faltering.

Words are beautiful. Have you ever wanted to say something and just couldn't express yourself? The words sat on the tip of your tongue but would not budge? Perhaps they sat on your fingertips?

Yesterday I was working on an article for my series. The words spilled on the page. I was amazed at how fast I cranked it out. Then I edited it.

The topic is one which I know a lot about, bar management. That was my career for a long stint. Not the best of me for sure, but I enjoyed it. Yes, I went to college. Yes, I have a degree. Having worked there, getting promoted, and loving the people so much, I just couldn't find it in my heart to leave at the time.

A little tidbit, my Grandfather was also into bar management/ownership. He led an interesting life and actually knew "Minnesota Fats", Rudolph Wanderone!

The article is way too long for the Internet. I think I may break it in two if I can't pare it down today. I just want to get it finished and submitted so I can move on. You know how it goes...

My inspiration circles the moon. I'm feeling it now.

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January 28, 2008

Working on the Home-front, Updates, and Plans

What a time this has been. My husband is still laid up with his leg. I've been busy tending to home matters. With all that's going on, the teen is coping an attitude.

I woke up early this morning to update my eBay pages, myspace, and I wanted to make sure to post something here. I'm really having a tough time keeping up the momentum I had prior to the holidays.

Surely things will get back to normal around here soon. I have some plans I'd like to put into action. I want to get a move on them before the end of the month.

I've been working on a series of articles for my work at Associated Content. I almost have that wrapped up. Once all the articles are submitted and published, I want to build a Squidoo lens for promotion. So far the articles are getting pretty good views on their own, but I've learned that Google loves Squidoo and articles promoted on Squidoo rank higher. Ranking higher increases page views. Increased page views means better pay. Sounds kind like the snowball effect, but whatever works.

I'm finding inspiration sitting here writing this. I know now things are not as bad as I thought. I'm inspired by all I got done this morning. I will strive to do it again tomorrow.

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January 11, 2008

The Best Laid Plans...

What's been happening around here? Well, a lot of nothing. Of the 4 people in this house, 3 of us have been down and out. On New Year's Eve, we had a little get together. In the midst of the fun there was a little brush fire. My husband played hero and sustained burns on his calf that extend from just below his knee to his ankle. He's been hobbling since.

Unsure of how long he would be out of commission, I took it upon myself to take down the outdoor Christmas decorations. I could not let our home be one that donned Christmas lights year round. I pulled something in my neck and shoulder that has reminded me that I am not a spring chicken.

The smallest member of the household has been taken down by allergies. She is miserable and when she is miserable, the whole house suffers. Ahhh, the joys of parenting.

When I awoke this morning to send the teen off to school, I decided that I can no longer let these pitfalls get the best of me. I am playing catch-up regardless of what ailments surround me.

I have been thinking about this blog a lot. I have also been considering what I want to do with Associated Content and my submissions. My New Year's resolution, so to speak. I broached the subject on myspace prior to Christmas. I laid out a plan and I must put it into action.

All of the marketing content information I have scoured through states that you must not let your content stagnate. Keep it fresh. Okay, I'm lacking now, but I have not lost my desire.

It's all in the planning. Once the plan is laid out, I must follow through.

First, do not injure yourself when you want to make a commitment to something. Check. Second, do not inform your family of your plans lest they might sabotage you. Check.
Third, if you are injured, and your family needs you too, all else must be back burnered. Check.

All kidding aside, I had a thought about how 2008 has started out: I'm getting all the bad stuff out of the way early! The rest of the year will be smooth sailing!

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